I agree with Juan Francisco, In think it would nice to have a more smoth
speed control cpu way, forma example like the proposed oneroso in this
thread, similar to netbsd. Andris it would nicer if in a future openbsd
implementar the P-states oferta the cpu, to save battery on laptops.
Anyway my openbsd laptop (thinkpad R61 2200 Mhz ) has a good performance
with apmd -C.


Jes (from Corunha :) )
El 30/05/2012 20:50, "Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado" <i...@juanfra.info>

> Hi. I've been using OpenBSD on my netbook daily for a few months. I was
> using apmd with the -C setting. My netbook is slow and the battery life
> is important, so 800Mhz (apmd -C) or 1600Mhz (apm -A) is not a big
> difference for me.
> Now I have a desktop computer with support for cpu speed scaling. In
> this case the options of apmd are very limited. If I use "-A" my cpu is
> always at 2700Mhz, wasting energy and heating my room (I live in the
> very sunny Extremadura :) ). If I use "-C", apm rarely raises the speed
> and the cpu is almost always at 800Mhz.
> This is important because when I open a web page with a lot of
> javascript, the browser is very slow. Also when I compile something with
> "make -j1", apmd doesn't raise the speed of my CPU, I need use "make
> -j4" for raising the cpu speed to 2700Mhz.
> I understand the problem with the limits of apmd. The developers can't
> generate a limits for each CPU and workflow. I've been playing with the
> values of PERFINCTHRES and PERFDECTHRES on usr.sbin/apmd/apmd.c and
> "checking" the changes of speed with "while true; do apm | grep cool;
> sleep 1; done". I'm using 20 and 60 respectively right now. Probably
> this values aren't the best values but are better than the defaults (for
> my CPU and workflow). The performance is very good and I can see the cpu
> speed raising and lowering. I've tested various values and 20/60 are a
> good compromise "performance vs energy consumption".
> In short, I have a suggestion for apmd. Add one option for to set
> PERFINCTHRES and other for to set PERFDECTHRES. Each user could to
> configure the behavior of "apm -C" on rc.conf.local. Example:
> apmd_flags="-C -I 20 -D 60". Obviously, "apm -C" would use the defaults
> if both options aren't used.
> The implementation is simple and it will not break any system.
> Unfortunately I can't code the idea (despite I've read the code), so I
> wanted share this with you.  Some developer interested? :)
> Cheers.
> --
> Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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