Like I said, it was in default mode when this behavior
started.  Now I am messin with the timings trying to
overcome this dropping of messages.
Are you saying I should be increasing this from 25 minutes?

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 02:03:03AM -0500, Matthew Weigel wrote:
> On 25.05.2012 01:09, David Diggles wrote:
> >Can messages get dropped if mail servers fail to resend within
> >time interval, after receiving the initial temporary failure message?
> A qualified "yes."  The message isn't dropped if the sending server
> fails
> to resend before greyexp hours, it is dropped the first time
> delivery is
> attempted; if other attempts to deliver occur before passtime
> minutes pass,
> or after greyexp hours, the message will continue to be dropped.
> You reduced the whitelisting interval from (25 minutes, 240 minutes] to
> (5 minutes, 60 minutes], a pretty big cut.  Perhaps that is your
> problem.
> -- 
>  Matthew Weigel
>  hacker
>  unique & idempot . ent

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