Hi there! What do you guys think about the reliability of the news (unfortunatelly in German only) on www.golem.de (http://www.golem.de/news/bundesregierung-deutsche-geheimdienste-koennen-pgp- entschluesseln-1205-92031.html) that the German government claims to be able to break PGP and SSH. The official answer to some MPs and the party "Die Linke" is here: http://www.andrej-hunko.de/start/download/doc_download/225-strategische-fernm eldeaufklaerung-durch-geheimdienste-des-bundes
For the non-German speaking (found on page 3 of the official document): Question: "3. Is the technique used also able to at least in part decode and/or analyze encrypted communication (e.g. by SSH of PGP)?" Answer: "Yes, the technique used is in principle able to do this, depending on the way and quality of the encryption." (Yepp - that's the complete answer!) Is this some sort of Governmental FUD by just NOT adding s.th. like "if the password/passphrase is weak enough"? STEFAN --- Mail: ste...@wollny.de Gnu PG-Key ID: 0x9C26F1D0