I used iRedMail . Good work. Thanks.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Zhang Huangbin

> Dear list,
> I'd like to introduce iRedMail[1] to you, a free, open source mail
> server solution
> for OpenBSD and other Linux/BSD distributions: http://www.iredmail.org/
> Installation guide for OpenBSD is here:
> http://www.iredmail.org/install_iredmail_on_openbsd.html
> What iRedMail is:
> - A zero-cost, fully fledged, full-featured mail server solution. All used
>  packages are free and open source, provided by the Linux/BSD distribution
>  venders you trust.
> - An open source project, released under GPLv2, hosted on BitBucket.
> What iRedMail does:
> - Install and configure mail server related BINARY packages automatically
>  from the official software repositories provided by Linux/BSD distribution
>  venders.
> What benefits iRedMail provides:
> - Fast deployment in LESS THAN 1 MINUTE, easy to use and stable.
> - Control over your own data. You have all personal data on your hard disk,
>  it is not on somebody else's storage medium.
> - All components are free and open source softwares, and you get the bug
>  fixes and updates of the used packages from the Linux/BSD distribution
>  venders you trust, not iRedMail project.
> - Works on both non-virtualized and virtualized boxes, e.g. VMware, Xen,
> KVM,
>  OpenVZ, VirtualBox, with i386 and x86_64/amd64 support.
> - Full-featured web admin panel - iRedAdmin. You can setup mail server
>  manually with the same softwares as used in iRedMail, but you cannot find
>  a suitable web-based admin panel like iRedAdmin.
> - Works on main stream Linux/BSD distributions. No matter you switch to
> which
>  Linux/BSD distribution listed below, you can get the same mail server in
>  few minutes: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian,
>  Ubuntu, Mint, openSUSE, Gentoo, FreeBSD, OpenBSD.
> Hope you guys will like it. :)


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