On 05/09/12 22:55, Johan Ryberg wrote:
For me as well. Maybe someone needs to read more careful and just don't
push enter all the way.

While that's a natural thought nowadays, it's not the case here;

$ cvs log -r1.654 install.sub
        OPENBSD_5_1: 1.655.0.2
        OPENBSD_5_1_BASE: 1.655
revision 1.654
date: 2011/11/08 19:55:52;  author: deraadt;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -6
Now that the code is well tested, don't ask the firmware question
anymore.  Saves 141 precious bytes on the inside of the media.
ok krw


// Johan
On May 9, 2012 10:02 PM, "Tobias Sarnowski"<tob...@trustedco.de>  wrote:

On 05/09/12 21:33, mark sullivan wrote:

Hi everybody,
  I was coming to OpenBSD 5.1 looking for reasonable privacy and when I
install it (amd64 flavour), I see that fw_update automatically installs
propietary firmware without my permission. Actually even worse, it updates
it automatically from the net!
  The parts affected are quite meaningful: the network card and the video
card... I mean.. ???? Should I request that you install propietary firmware
for my sound card too so that everybody can record my voice too?
  I would like to hear your arguments on this and if there is a simple way
to disable fw_update and uninstall in general everything propietary
affecting the network card that I have not been warned about. I read on the
FAQ that I should have been asked about this firmware but I wasnB4t! (amd64
cd installer).
  Thanks much,

  I just want to note: last time I installed OpenBSD (a 5.1-snapshot) this
feature worked correctly. I was asked by the installer.

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