Hello, today I'm proud to release the first public version of portable cwm 5.1.
Portable cwm is a minor modification of the cwm version in OpenBSD CVS with a portable Makefile and a few compatibility features. It has been built successfully on OpenBSD, NetBSD and Linux. This port requires pkg-config, Xft, Xinerama and Xrandr. The included Makefile should work with both GNU make and BSD make. This version actively tracks changes in the OpenBSD CVS repository. Releases are roughly coordinated. http://chneukirchen.org/releases/cwm-5.1.tar.gz http://chneukirchen.org/releases/cwm-5.1.tar.gz.asc Enjoy, -- Christian Neukirchen <chneukirc...@gmail.com> http://chneukirchen.org e923e96c89f17ed0bf42204affa986e816ae698c cwm-5.1.tar.gz ff7a0924c33d1f37b81c0cd7842cffae3a413915 cwm-5.1.tar.gz.asc