...Same problem, again (it was already covered some time ago).
When I run the last step in building a release
(see http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html) , i.e.
# make release
I get a message informing me that /dev/svnd0a is full. This occurs
while make is working with ramdiskC (exactly as the messages posted
last July).
C) Please don't flame--I'm just curious: In the mailing list
archives, I noticed this sort of problem has been around since
March (messages dated March 30). Why hasn't it yet been fixed?
In the strictest of terms, a fix is impossible. Think about
it a bit. The problem could be mitigated a bit by dropping a
driver, but then its not the same release is it. And then
there are the changes to the documentation, etc ...
I'm not going to take time to go back and check, but I think
I am the OP of the Mar 30 msg you refer to. Just do what I
did, find a suitable work around (there are several) and get
on with the show.