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Fra: owner-m...@openbsd.org [mailto:owner-m...@openbsd.org] Pe vegne af
Stuart Henderson
Sendt: den 13 april 2012 01:13
Til: misc@openbsd.org
Emne: Re: Problems starting mysql-server-5.1.62

On 2012-04-12, Hasse Hansson <ha...@thorshammare.org> wrote:
> "Googling" the problem and the error messages didn't get me much further.

http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html#NoFun applies here.

> OpenBSD odin.thorshammare.org 5.1 GENERIC#160 i386
> 120412  8:04:10 [ERROR] Can't create interrupt-thread (error 91,
> errno: 91)
> InnoDB: Error: pthread_create returned 91

You are using packages (or at least a mysql package) built against the new
kernel-backed thread library with an older kernel that doesn't support it.

You might get somewhere if you install a new base OS snapshot and update to
new package snapshot (this means updating *all* packages, not picking and
mixing), but I'm not sure if the packages are currently in sync with base
snapshots (N.B. http://www.openbsd.org/images/hackathons/r2k12.gif
is currently taking place) so if this doesn't work out, wait a few days -
probably until at least after the weekend - and try updating again.

Thank you very much.
Will do.


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