On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Henning Brauer
<lists-openbsdt...@bsws.de> wrote:
> * patrick keshishian <sids...@boxsoft.com> [2012-04-11 14:55]:
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:20:30PM +0200, Henning Brauer wrote:
>> don't you need two different index vars for this next
>> section?
> no, why?

I put the caveat that I am not familiar with the code (and its use).
So apologies if I'm making grave assumptions on the use case (more

>> > +   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
>> > +           if (i < npflogifs)
>> > +                   p[i] = pflogifs[i];
>> > +           else
>> > +                   p[i] = NULL;
> i think that is pretty clear: each slot in the newly allocated p gets
> the same value as it had in the old pflogifs, once we're at the end of
> pflogifs we set the remaining slots to NULL. unused slots were NULL
> before so just inheriting the NULL is safe.

Unless pflog_clone_destroy() takes out one in the middle of the list.
I probably assumed too much.

>> something like the following with caveats that a) it is
>> 5am-ish for me and b) i did not try compiling it:
>>       for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++, j++) {
>>               for (; j < npflogifs && NULL == pflogifs[j]; j++)
>>                       ;
>>               if (j == npflogifs)
>>                       break;
>>               p[i] = pflogifs[j];
>>       }
>>       for (; i < n; i++)
>>               p[i] = NULL;
> i gave up following this after a bit.

The loop is like yours, but looks out for an NULL-ed out pflogifs
entry (from pflog_clone_destroy()?). If one is detected, adjust index
into pflogifs accordingly.

Now, if it is the case that pflog_clone_destroy() won't ever take out
an entry in the middle of pflogifs, then ignore my comments.

>> > +
>> > +   if(pflogifs)
>>          ^^ nit
> fixed
>> >     s = splnet();
>> >     pflogifs[pflogif->sc_unit] = NULL;
>> >     LIST_REMOVE(pflogif, sc_list);
>> > +
>> > +   for (i = npflogifs; i > 0 && pflogifs[i - 1] != NULL; i--)
>> > +           ; /* nothing */
>> > +   if (i < npflogifs)
>> > +           pflogifs_resize(i);     /* error harmless here */
>> So, if the last pflogifs entry is NULL don't resize
>> down? Not really questioning the logic, but want to
>> make sure I understand that's what is meant, cause
>> there is an easier check for that than the for()-loop.
>> Caveats: a) 5am-ish, b) not familiar with code.
> walk the array backwards until we find the first non-empty slot, then
> shrink it to that.

OK. So the _destroy() code will always take out entries from the end
of the pflogifs array.

Sorry for the noise.

> --
> Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
> BS Web Services, http://bsws.de, Full-Service ISP
> Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services. Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully
> Henning Brauer Consulting, http://henningbrauer.com/

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