And apparently they don't know how to use authorized_keys either :) -- "This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity." -- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation. "Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks factory where smoking on the job is permitted." -- Gene Spafford learn french:
- Mosh? seems dangerous! bofh
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Gilles Chehade
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! bofh
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Johan Ryberg
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Christian Weisgerber
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Johan Beisser
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Gilles Chehade
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Jiri B
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Chris Cappuccio
- Re: Mosh? seems dangerous! Marius ROMAN
- Hi-Five OpenBSD World - New installation - Power... Michael Davies
- Re: Hi-Five OpenBSD World - New installation... Nick Holland