On Mon, 9 Apr 2012, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
Hi Alan,
Alan Corey wrote on Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 02:09:43PM -0400:
mandoc does a great job of making html files out of OpenBSD
manpages, but I happened to look at the source of one and see lots
of css classes defined. There's no internal style sheet in the page
and no reference to an external one, so I looked at man 1 mandoc.
It mentions looking at example.style.css but I can't find one on my
system or on the web.
I didn't import the stylesheets into the OpenBSD tree because
we don't use them in OpenBSD; or at least not yet, and i never
bothered to look at them, at all.
Of course, you can use them yourself, or write your own.
I'd like to see what the author of all those
classes envisioned the final output might look like.
By the way, the author is kristaps@, http://kristaps.bsd.lv/ .
I looked, and normally I'd like it, but I'm looking for bigger, easier to
read. That's what's nice about stylesheets though: change 1 file to
change all those pages. And I'm not crazy about Helvetica. or Wagner.