Dear all,

If this is OT kindly pardon me.

I have a script based on Net::LPR.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

  use strict;
  use vars '@ARGV';

  use Net::LPR;
  use IO::File;

  die "usage: $0 <filename> <printer> <queue>\n" if (@ARGV != 3);

  my $lp = new Net::LPR(
        StrictRFCPorts => 0,
        RemoteServer => $ARGV[1],
        RemotePort => 515,
        PrintErrors => 0,
        RaiseErrors => 0,
  ) or die "Can't create print context\n";

  my $fh = new IO::File $ARGV[0], O_RDONLY or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]:
  my $size = ($fh->stat())[7]; # Hope file doesn't change while printing

  $lp->connect() or die "Can't connect to printer: ".$lp->error."\n";
  my $jobkey = $lp->new_job() or die "Can't create new job:
  $lp->send_jobs('lp') or die "Can't send jobs: ".$lp->error."\n";
  # Can easily print postscript by changing method to job_mode_postscript
  $lp->job_mode_text($jobkey) or die "Can't set job mode to text:
  #$lp->job_mode_postscript($jobkey) or die "Can't set job mode to
text: ".$lp->error.";
  $lp->job_send_control_file($jobkey) or die "Can't send control file:
  $lp->job_send_data($jobkey, '', $size);

  while (my $line = $fh->getline()) {
        $lp->job_send_data($jobkey, $line);


I try this against a HP Professional m1213ncj printer and it does nothing.

Is there a way to use netcat to print directly to the JetDirect port 9100?

I find this ppd in hpijs package but the printer is on the network.

What to do?

I tried both postscript printing and text printing.

The silence and laziness of the printer is positively boring.

What do you think?


G3 Tech
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