On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 3:24 PM, TS Lura <tsl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear OpenBSD community,
> I have been tasked with figuring out which supplier of networking equipment
> we should buy for our networking edge. I am working on my own report. But
> it would be nice to hear about your experiences , since I think there are
> many in here which are experienced in networking. It's off topic but I hope
> it's okay to ask in the misc part of openbsd.org.
> We are using Cisco in the core, and distribution. It's in the edge we are
> thinking about other vendors.
> Today we are using Cisco 4500 (Layer 2 and 3) and 2960s (Layer 2) at the
> edge where high availability is an issue. And 35xx, 37xx (layer 3) in
> regular networking closets. It's these boxes (with focus on 2960
> replacements) we are thinking about replacing with the equivalent from
> either Juniper or HP.
> What are your experiences with Cisco, Juniper, and HP in general. (Support,
> licensing terms, how easy it is to debug / finding information, is it alot
> of hassle working with multiple suppliers)
> And more specific about using Cisco, Juniper, and/or HP in a
> mixed environment. (Does it work, do you have to fiddle allot to get it to
> work.) Our main concern is about ACS and 802.1x with non-cisco vendors.

It's good idea to try some of these to get offer and comparison:


> Any replies will be greeted with gratitude. :)
> -TSLura.

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