On 03/12/2012 12:21 AM, hex wrote:
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 10:48:24PM +0000, Kaya Saman wrote:
On 03/11/2012 10:34 PM, Ted Unangst wrote:
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012, Kaya Saman wrote:
try: automake --version
autoconf --version
The messages should be self-explanatory if you didn't define certain
environment variables, e.g., I have this in my environment:
automake --version
autoconf --version
come up with this
# automake --version
Provide an AUTOMAKE_VERSION environment variable, please
# autoconf --version
Provide an AUTOCONF_VERSION environment variable, please
How are those messages not self explanatory? Did you read them?
Sure I read them it's a bit difficult not to!
I also managed to get round them by providing the versions:
eg. automake-1.11 --version
my issue was how to get the Ntop config script to understand that
automake and autoconf **are** installed on the system!!!
Luckily a friendly person did explain that I should first **export** the
versions then run the config gen script which indeed worked!!!
That's what providing the environment variable means.
I didn't know that so thanks for pointing that out.
However, please note that am still learning OpenBSD after coming over
from Linux and FreeBSD and additionally I am NOT a programmer or even
good at programming!!!!
One exclamation point is enough.
Sorry frustration got the better of me!
My main base in fact is network engineering so forgive me if I don't
know the intricate details of the OpenBSD OS....
Those are not intricate details. Environment variables exist in virtually every
operating system available.
I do understand that compiling software is part of UNIX and I accept
that I don't know enough about it but the other types of OS's stated all
work without issues.... which ok is not the OS fault, rather that
software is mostly being designed for Linux and a really great effort to
**port** the stuff is being done by FreeBSD. But without knowing the
characteristics of an OS it's very difficult to debug issues if one
doesn't understand how it handles certain things.
Using FreeBSD I would just do this:
cd /usr/ports/*/ntop
make install clean
and providing my **ports** tree is uptodate it will work flawlessly.
Additionally on Linux for RPM based would be yum install ntop or DEB
based would be apt-get install ntop
Great story.
Uh sorry.... was just trying to stress or rather emphasize my point. I
think eventually the only thing that got stressed was me :-(
Now I do know these without even needing to read the documentation...
however even **IF** I tried to compile on one of those platforms which I
do all the time.... I never need to adjust system variables or tell the
configure script what compiler or other I'm using as it is intelligent
enough to autodetect it.
The configure script is not part of the operating system, it is part of the
package/tarball, if you're using something that needs automake/autoconf you're
probably checking out development versions of software and then complaining to
the OS developers who have nothing to do with it.
Erm.... I wasn't complaining. I just needed a hand to figure out how to
get the script to interact with the OS. Now it's time to take my case to
the Ntop team as the script is blocking me claiming "unsupported OS".
True though it maybe I would still like to get Ntop (the current
version) working on OpenBSD as unfortunately it's not available natively.
I understand OpenBSD is different and I'm trying to get used to it but
please cut new users some slack as not everyone is God's gift to
computing....... {I don't say this as an attack or with any bad
intentions just frustration at how unforgiving this list is sometimes}
I love this list for that.
Uh! :-(
Would it not just be easier and cleaner to create a new list for
newbies? That way the more advanced stuff could be taken care of on this
list and only people willing to help others could post useful comments
and help on the other list.
.....actually this list may become really quiet then??? As in all of my
1 week being here not much help goes on just arguments and flames.
Hektor Oksenberg