Because answering a question requires knowledge, experience, and patience. Now
I believe there's a difference between a question and a KLB demanding answers
and rainbows.

What I find amusing is that a majority of the people with an OpenBSD
superiority complex don't know heads or tails of its  actual power. There are
exceptions on both sides, but let's draw a line of distinction between fanboy
and guru.

On Mar 10, 2012, at 7:33 AM, 0xAAA <> wrote:

> It is  quite interesting that  any trolling message  gets more attention
than a
> real, OpenBSD  related problem (view  the threads of  the stupid guy  which
> read installation instructions...)
> My suggestion: We  create a new list, eg. "trolling"  or "smalltalk" where
> users can discuss about senseless questions.
> And misc  should be about real  problems/discussions (like it was  before
> linus-nerds arrived on this list...)
> (sorry for that non-misc related message)

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