> Who in their right mind would EVER want to run this crap? You answered your own question. My guess? People who are too cheap to buy Windows and too stupid to figure out how to find a free copy of XP or Win 7 on the net and do the activation or find a password. That's a pretty small user space.
> I'm not using ReactOS, and I'm not sure if this was a Troll post, or a > crackhead, but who here REALLY misses a Start Menu? (nobody in the room raises his hand) I'll take some of what our pal Bruno is freebasing though. There's a crackwhore I've been meaning to bang. > I had heard of ReactOS, but I never looked into it much, but after > reading this I had to check out what it was. After seeing that it's > basically a GnuWindows crap hole, Pardon my proofreading but I think you probably should have written "crap-hole" or "craphole" here. Nevertheless you expressed the idea quite well. ;-) To all the thought-provoking responses thus far I will add my own: You idiots were not only stupid enough to waste your lives copying the functionality of the most broken binary blob in the world and you GPL'd what you came up with?! That really says it all...talk about adding insult to injury. I'll run bootlegged copies of XP before I touch your crap-hole with a ten foot shovel LOL. _ ___ _ _ __ __ _____ ___ ____ _____ | T / \ | T | T | T T/ ___/ / _]| \ / ___/ | | Y Y| | | | | | ( \_ / [_ | D )( \_ | l___ | O || l___ | l___ | | |\__ TY _]| / \__ T | T| || T | T| : |/ \ || [_ | \ / \ | | |l !| | | |l |\ || T| . Y \ | l_____j \___/ l_____j l_____j \__,_j \___jl_____jl__j\_j \___j