The North American OpenBSD distribution centre is pleased to say virtually all OpenBSD pre-orders were shipped on or before release day, Nov. 1. We also pre-shipped a full supply to European distribution, before we took any for ourselves. So Europe should be close behind.
The bin with the last 50 or 60 orders that came in over the weekend, will be dumped into the post office tomorrow morning, and aside from a handful of special cases, we are able to start regular new release order processing without any backlog -- which is a big change from past performance. Price increase: due to falling US$ value we had to increase the US$ price of some of the T-shirts today. We had held off a bit to enable pre-orders to take advantage of the older price. OpenBSD T-shirts are still quite a bit cheaper when translated into other currencies, than they were a few years ago, however. We are still encountering significant non-tariff barriers shipping T-shirts to the USA (read extreme paperwork). We have to bypass the faster shipping methods to avoid them. I'm going to discuss this in a future message. We hope everyone gets their 3.8 and associated gear and starts enjoying the new release soon. I know a lot have received theirs already. Please let us know of any damage in transit, or packing errors -- we'll be happy to fix up any such problems pronto. Enjoy! Austin Hook OpenBSD Shipping PS: Thanks to a couple of you who told me that the older OpenBSD 3.6 poster was not selecting properly on the order page. Anyone who wishes to catch up with Puffy the Kid, his "wanted" poster is available again.