> Leonardo Sabino dos Santos wrote:

> I want to tell you about my experience with OpenBSD.

It seems that you need to get some experience and then talk about it.
You have none yet in the area you promote, so why should I be
interested about nothing ?

> [ put here the "experience" ]

To talk about what was happened, there are too many years and
generation of OSes' installers with Next> Next> Next> .... > Finish.
There are also too many boxes with OK and Cancel. There is nothing
wrong with them, but the user was not reading and thinking, just was

> I joined this mailing list just to tell you this: Right now, I feel like 
> never, ever touching OpenBSD with a ten-foot pole again.

Take a moment of your time and think about that. First, the members of
the list don't care about that. Serioussly, they don't care. Second,
you may get a job in the future, a good one, which implies using
OpenBSD on a computer or anything else. Are you saying you will drop
it? Realy?

I think you are not ready for OpenBSD, yet. You need to get more
failures on applications, more dissapointments from other "common"
Operating Systems. You need to spent more days looking on a "modern
operating system" computer and thinking about what else could be
possibly wrong, trying to figure out what you didn't try yet. And in
the end, but not the last, you need to feel how it is when your 3 or 4
days work resumes to a single message box with no title and no message
plus the shutdown of the application itself. Maybe you will get a
glimpse on that moment.

So, ask yourself "Do I need to run OpenBSD? If the answer is YES, then ask WHY?"

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