On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 08:35:03AM +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote: > The question is if there's real potential in that for some really new > stuff. Personally I think that developers which hacks in their free > time work on needed features anyway even without GSoC and probably > don't have free summer because of that and regular job (but probably > money from GSoC may be of some use for them as for anyone). Then > there's quality - OpenBSD model proved during years that really only > skilled people (or those which want to be skilled) are getting inside > dev team and we can use high quality results of that. Seems like > OpenBSD has much more higher standards for quality of code, > documentation and skills of programmers then GSoC can offer most of > the times.
If anybody knows coding and has freetime, then ipv6 for portmapper and thus later nfs :) As OpenBSD does have NAT64 and other nice ipv6 features by default, it would be nice to have network filesystem :) jirib