> On 02/19/12 20:41, Francesco Cardi wrote:
> > Hello, I want to install OpenBSD 5.0 on a very old laptop with 16 mb
> > ram and a 500mhz celeron processor. I start the boot from the cd
> > starts to load but then appears on the screen a writing that is
> > repeated ad infinitum "WARNING: CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! clock time
> > much less time than file sytem using file system time " I set the
> > clock from the bios, but do not solve the problem. There's one thing
> > to point out, the battery does not work then when you turn off the
> > time you just saved.

I have seen this message after power-cycling an ALIX.
If completely switched off (take the power cord out),
the message appears on the next boot. On subsequent soft
reboots (without taking the power cord out) the message
does not appear. That makes me speculate that the battery
does not really work: it only keeps a charge when AC
is plugged in.

On Feb 19 22:54:29, Nick Holland wrote:
> You may have other problems with the machine you are using -- normally
> the clock time error is not fatal...just a "hey, your RTclock is hosed
> and as time is pretty important to a unix machine, you might want to
> know this" type warning and move on.

Indeed, the clock gets 'ntpd -s'd on boot and I don't
experience any time-related problems.

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