On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Paul Dejean <p...@officegps.com> wrote:
> I'll start working on a patch (even though it'll take me forever) if I
> can be confident it wouldn't be vetoed because people don't like the
> concept.

Don't reinvent wheel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaVnNllZxn4

Eg. actual situation in NetBSD
http://www.feyrer.de/NetBSD/bx/blosxom.cgi/nb_20100605_1826.html is
quite similar to Solaris, but don't know technical details (how secure
is that in fact)

> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Richard Toohey
> <richardtoo...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:
>> On 2/02/2012, at 12:30 PM, Paul Dejean wrote:
>>> Even though it's bad practice, a lot of commonly programs will request
>>> passwords or similar sensitive information as command line arguments.
>>> For instance, curl, svn, useradd... There will usually be a way to
>>> work around doing things this way (curl can read from a config file
>>> for instance), but doing so is a hassle (have to write a new config
>>> file for each request).
>>> I would really like some way to turn the access unprivileged users
>>> have to this information on and off. Ideally I'd like it off by
>>> default in OpenBSD (secure by default).
>>> Also I would like to add, that even if you folks shoot down this FR as
>>> being an awful idea. It's good that there's an operating system
>>> community where I feel comfortable bringing up this request, where I
>>> wouldn't hear things like:
>>> "You have untrusted users on your system? What a n00b"
>>> "All security features are off by default, why should it be our
>>> responsibility to protects admins from their stupid mistakes?"
>>> "omg why should you care. hunting for sensitive information? it's not
>>> like anyone actually does that"
>> I've got no comment on the idea itself ...
>> In this "community", the reply is likely to be "great idea, where is your 
>> sample implementation?"
>> There are not a lot of developers - I'm not one - so generally ideas need to 
>> be accompanied by code.
>> It's a bit like the school P.T.A. that I help out with - there are lots of 
>> ideas, but very few helpers - ideas welcome, but they need to be attached to 
>> someone willing to actually do the work.
>> HTH.

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