Lars Hansson <> whined > > I notice you spend much more time scolding people than actually saying> > anything worthwhile. You should work on yourself and find out why that> > is. Perhaps you could benefit from some anger management training?
> I notice that Henning is contributing much more code to OpenBSD than > you ever have and has also produces much more informative and useful > replies than you ever have. You should stop trolling and get a life. I asked this before but I guess you didn't see it. So if you contribute "much more code to OpenBSD" than someone else do you automatically get license to insult people and post 100% noise as some kind of reward? Lars, you ass-licking dog, what I am saying to you and prima donnas like you is you can be a good human being and that is more important than all the patches and code in the world. If you can contribute patches and new code so much the better, but if all you do is contribute to OpenBSD and you behave like a fucking asshole you wipe out all the benefit. Cause the world does need good human beings but it doesn't need prima donnas just because they contribute to OpenBSD. I'm pretty sure the project would still be doing fine even if acclaimed contributors and their ass-licking dog fanboys like you didn't spend entire threads bashing people when a simple answer would be enough. They know everything already right? so it should be easy to answer. > Cheers, > Lars Fuck you and your boyfriend.