At 05:59 AM 1/12/2012, you wrote:
Is this a new phenomenon? That is, did it use to work earlier and
something is now broken? In that case, what did you change? :-)
Yes, .. nothing.
(I'm not even gonna comment on the rest of this discussion. Ah, yet I
just did, didn't I? Oh well, in that case...
Of course! Can't resist <g>!
I feel it would have been prudent of you not to insult this community
when denied help because of *your* own failure to play by the rules.
ExCUSE me? Who is insulting whom? I asked a simple question
[forgetting for a moment the propensities of this list], and was
totally flamed for trying to solve a problem. We happily participate
in the user community, as you, because OBSD is a quality product
maintained by good folks that value technology; the fact that USERS
like to crap on OTHER users is exactly why many people just turn off
and tune out.
Recommendations to upgrade are total BS - the system is 4.3 for
reasons which I will not share with the list because they are not
germaine to any issue raised herein. Such comments (beyond Theo's
first one, to which he is more than entltled) are pure Obsd MISC -
off topic, provide no useful information, and only worth reading for
entertainment value.
Not only is it counterproductive for your own problem's sake, all this
annoying bickering that flares up from time to time wears on everyones
patience, and I for one don't like to see this community wither away
because some individuals can't accept that there are a certain set of
rules by which to act in order to both get something out of the community
and to contribute to it.
ExCUSE me again? If you don't like flame wars, why do YOU participate?
Enough said - thanks to the folks that actually had some
*CONSTRUCTIVE* suggestions, they are the 'wheat' that provide value
on this list, as opposed to folks like yourself that are purely 'chaff'.