On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2011-12-30, Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de> wrote:
>> * <chipits...@gmail.com> [2011-12-30 05:21]:
>>> why does OpenBSD choose vlan379 ? how can I make it use vlan200 for
>>> all outgoing traffic except bgp communication ?
>> for wildcard binds (INADDR_ANY aka, connect without bind has the
>> same effect) the address is chosen based on the route to the destination.
> IPv6's source address selection logic is so awesome there's a 23-page
> RFC to describe it. and it's not even deterministic! if you exhaust the
> set of 8 priorities to follow, the OS can choose whichever address it
> likes! clever eh? you couldn't make this up.
> guess which company authored the RFC.

cisco? and no i didn't look

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