On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 4:03 AM,  <openbsd_mis...@zehmahyesh.e4ward.com>
> First, sorry for the bogus formatting in my previous email...
> hopefully, this one is better.
> It turns out that I needed to manually delete the ".depend" file from
> a previous kernel build in my local build directory. The makefile has
> only this under the "depend" target:
> B  B touch $@
> and 'make clean' didn't delete '.depend' as I would expect it should.
> It looks like a new ".depend" file is not written out, but the old
> one was recognized and used which caused my problems.
> Nice "gotcha"! B Shouldn't this be documented? Also, what happened to
> the FAQ text about non-root kernel build procedures??

Mmmm stuff about depend part was documented in current guide, but
seems to be missing either in FAQ or upgrade guide for 4.9 -> 5.0

Change is visible in man release between 4.9 and 5.0 so will be
somewhere in CVS logs as well.

> On 24 Dec 2011 at 18:10, misc@openbsd.org wrote:
>> Some strange things going on...
>> Running OpenBSD 5.0 on an x86 32 bit, upgraded smoothly from 4.9 aside
>> from at upgrade from 4.9 to 5.0, the upgrade failed at first trying to
>> start the network with this hostname.if file for my external facing
>> interface: up dhcp -inet6
>> ... complaining that it is an invalid hostname file. This worked just
>> fine in 4.9. After scratching my head for a long time, I changed it to
>> be: up -inet6 dhcp .. and it worked... looks like /etc/netstart
>> changed how it parses hostname.if files but there is no documentation
>> about this.
>> Once I had a working system again after completing the full upgrade
>> process, I primed my source directories by removing /usr/src/*,
>> /usr/xenocara, and /usr/ports.
>> I then downloaded the 4 source tarballs from
>> http://ftp5.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.0/*.tar.gz, unpacked them
>> into the proper places and ran "cvs update" on them (using the proper
>> options for the -stable branch, of course, as per the FAQ). There were
>> no updates patched into the trees.
>> The patch for the bind DoS
>> (http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/5.0/common/001_bind.patch)
>> specifically was not in the CVS stable branch, almost a month after
>> the patch came out. B I had to add it manually to the tree.
>> I then tried to build the kernel as a regular user following this
>> text: "Variation on above process: Read-only source tree Sometimes,
>> you may wish to ensure your /usr/src/sys directory remains untouched.
>> This can be done by using the following process:
>> B  B  $ cd /somewhere
>> B  B  $ cp /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/GENERIC .
>> B  B  $ config -s /usr/src/sys -b . GENERIC
>> B  B  $ make clean && make depend && make
>> B  B  B  B ... lots of output ..."
>> ... which is missing now from the latest FAQ page
>> (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#BldKernel)... I had to search
>> the internet to find this text again. B It still _does_say: "Note that
>> you can build a kernel without root access, but you must have root to
>> install the kernel." but the procedure on how to do it is gone.
>> When I try to build the kernel in an empty limited user directory
>> after the config command above, I get the following error: $ make
>> clean && make depend && make rm -f eddep *bsd *bsd.gdb tags *.[dio]
>> [a-z]*.s B [Ee]rrs linterrs assym.h make: don't know how to make
>> /usr/src/sys/uvm/uvm_pglist.h. Stop in /home/xxxx/kernel-build. $
>> Can anybody tell me what is going on or what I'm missing or did wrong?
>> B Is building a kernel from read-only sources now not supported?? B I
>> didn't try to build this as root yet, figuring I have some sort of
>> borked system.
>> Any insight welcomed. B I don't follow the maling lists too regularly
>> so I must have missed something.

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