On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Corey <clinge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/21/2011 06:46 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2011-12-21, Corey<clinge...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> On 12/20/2011 11:16 AM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>>>>> Then afterwards, can I check out the -current branch from CVS as
>>>>> I do with -stable? i.e. # cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -P src
>>>>> Or am I not supposed to fetch&   build -current at all? Would it
>>>> You can checkout src if you want, but you don't have to,
>>>> you can just install the binary sets just as you would for a release
>>>>> be safer to just download the /snapshots/i386/install50.iso every
>>>>> couple weeks and do a fresh install every time? I guess I will
>>>> There's really no need for fresh installs, upgrades work very well
>>>> No need for install*.iso either, just download a new bsd.rd and
>>>> boot that from the boot loader (boot /bsd.rd) and do a network
>>>> upgrade install
>>> Out of curiosity, is this more efficient and/or less loading on the
>>> servers than downloading the iso (assuming one installs all sets)?
>> Doesn't make a lot of difference server-side but I know it's a lot
>> easier for me to boot a different kernel and point it at a (possibly
>> locally mirrored or pre-downloaded) set of files than it is to
>> download an iso, burn a cd and boot from it - I imagine this is
>> the case for most people.
> Ah...ok. I'm usually following -current on only one or two machines, so I
> never really thought of setting up a local mirror (though there may be
> advantages to doing that). How do you keep your local file mirror in sync
> with newer kernels/snapshots? Or do you do the local repo and the kernel
> somewhat independently, and just try new kernels (and read release notes)
> and see if stuff breaks?
> C

Hi there,

I just wanted to chime in with an alternate perspective.  I've been
running snapshots for two or three years now.  Here's my procedure:

1. download installXX.iso
2. mount installXX.iso (http://openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#MountImage)
3. cp /mnt/5.0/i386/bsd.rd /
4. cp -R /mnt/5.0 /
5. reboot
6. boot> boot bsd.rd
7. Upgrade
    For "Location of sets?" type "disk"
    For "Is the disk partition already mounted?" say "yes"
8. After reboot use sysmerge and pkg_add -ui

This works very nicely for me.

I came across this method two or three years ago when I got tired of
burning CDs.
Also, I pay attention to when the latest snapshot packages were built,
and try to pick a snapshot close to that date.

BTW, this works for release->release, release->snapshot,
snapshot->snapshot, I even successfully went from i386 to amd64 once,
but I guarantee that is an unsupported move... haven't had the huevos
to try it yet, but I think I could even get away skipping a release
(eg. 4.8->5.0).

If you use sysmerge and pay attention to the upgrade instructions
(http://openbsd.org/faq/upgrade50.html) life is good.  sysmerge kicks
some serious ass..


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