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when I purchsed 3 there were all kinds of problems with loading on a laptop

Now I purchsed 3.7 and it looks like this is the final end of the road
for openbsd and me

I tolerated figuring out the wireless settings and even though there is
some reason for a huge time lag installing packages my main concern is
there is NO flexibility in getting it setup

1. every other download has some kind of 'serious' error yet the package
2. OK finally fed up with instaling upteen seperate packages to get
something to work i.e. gnome then atttempted to dowload everything and
install what I want. Well the ftp blows up.
3. just have no sure way of knowing when this system will start doing
some real work. spending all my time with problems and have no single
docuement to help

Just pissed off that I blew my money on an impossible system to get
running right

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