On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 08:17:21 -0800
Geoff Sweet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's why you set min-ttl to it's highest value.  You could also look
> at 'reassemble tcp'.  It modifies ttl setting in the session as well.
> But it's meant more for normalizing traffic.

look that:

 min-ttl 128--> [NAT on OpenBSD]----+
                 |         |        |
                 |         |        |
                 |         |        |
                 |         |        |
              [WinXP]  [FreeBSD]  [bla-bla-bla OS with bla-bla-bla TCP options]
               (128)       (64)      (245)

WinXP - scrubed
FreeBSD - passing
bla-bla-bla - passing and droping by anty-nat systems

if i'm set TTL on my OpenBSD == 255 - it's blocked too, becouse anti-nat 
systems "understand" this "tricks"..

whats wrong?

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