----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Toohey
To: Tekk <t...@parlementum.net>
Cc: Neoklis
Kyriazis <n5b...@yahoo.com>; OpenBSD <misc@openbsd.org>
Sent: Friday, December
9, 2011 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: Failed to setup fvwm for antialiased Xft fonts
On 9/12/2011, at 7:27 PM, Tekk wrote:

> iirc the binary packages are audited,
ports are not

> Guys, they put so much effort into the docs & FAQ - read
them.  The
> recommendation is to use the binary packages unless you know you
are doing.

OK, sorry about that, but I am a complete beginner in OpenBSD and
there is so much to read that I have not been able to cover all the 

And it was the first attempte at ports also.

I guess I should spend less time
in trying to set up the installation 

and more on reading....

Neoklis - Ham Radio Call 5B4AZ
QTH Locator KM64KR

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