no kidding about the expensive part. a stand alone unit (designed for a pci-e
or pci-x slot) can be generally more expensive than purchasing a server grade
motherboard with an associated daughter board management device. Tyan
microcomputer makes a reasonably priced MB with a separate daughter board
(sold separately). my only issue is going to be getting the funds to do this.

On Dec 7, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Bryan wrote:

> I have one, and no, it doesn't work.  Not until after the system is
> installed.
> The only option I think might hold promise (but it's gonna cost) is
> one of those remote management cards.  Sun had a LOM card that you
> could SSH to, and then access a console from it...
> I think you can get one of those PC Weasel cards, but there really
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 19:16, Russell Garrison
> <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Eric Oyen <> wrote:
>>> hello group.
>>> I have an interesting (and fairly technical) question.
>>> the question is: how can I forward the install screen via ssh to another
>>> machine on my network? I ask this because I didn't see any specific
>>> instructions that applied. my issue right now is that I need a sighted
>>> assistant to read me the screen and help with B installing the base
>> (and
>>> setting up ssh).
>>> I would like to run the install like from a serial port output (like the
>> old
>>> spark pizza boxes) but none of my current machines have a serial port to
> do
>>> this on.
>>> comments? suggestions?
>>> -eric
>> Any possibility of using USB serial adapters on these systems? You may
>> need to blind-type to the boot loader in order to get it up on the
>> serial redirection with an attached keyboard, but as I recall that
>> isn't a big issue for Eric. ;) Then you would just need a crossover to
>> the other DTE port on a host running cu and ssh to handle the install.
>> We would do a similar thing with our v210's except they had built-in
>> serial.

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