On Friday, December 2, 2011 15:04 CET, Kenneth R Westerback 
<kwesterb...@rogers.com> wrote: 
> On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 02:08:57PM +0100, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm trying to tune the network speed of OpenBSD box for high bandwidht, and 
> > high latency.
> > The box is connected to a 155MBit Internet uplink.
> > 
> > Hosts I have here next to me:
> > An old OpenBSD 4.4 box, used as server firewall, in front of a Linux http 
> > server.
> > A new OpenBSD 5.0 box, used as http server.
> > A Linux OpenSUSE 11.2 box, used as http server.
> > 
> > Further I have:
> > A Linux based VM in Canada, which I use as client.
> > and using OpenBSD mirror artifiles.org as reference host.
> > 
> > First tests with the OpenBSD 4.4 firewall:
> I got lost in the subsequent description of events, and came away with the
> impression that while you shuffled the clients and http servers around you
> did not change the firewall. Is this correct? If so, upgrading the firewall
> to 5.0 or -current is the easiest action likely to improve performance.

thanks for your answer, and sorry if my writing were not clear enough as I 
hoped it to be, I try to clarify:

One test was with a Linux Web Server behind the OpenBSD 4.4 firewall here in 
When I download from the Linux VM in Canada, then I get about 2MB/s.

The other test is with a desktop, not behind the OpenBSD 4.4 Firewall, with two 
One with Linux OpenSUSE 11.2, one with OpenBSD 5.0. This desktop is directly 
connected to the 155MBit Internet line, parallel to the firewall.
Downloading on the Linux VM in Canada from the OpenSUSE 11.2 box, I get around 
2.6MB/s, just switching the Harddisk on the desktop
and downloading from the OpenBSD 5.0 I only get around 1.5MB/s.
So in this case, the 4.4 Firewall is not involved at all.
I'd at least hoped to get the same speed with the OpenBSD 5.0 like I get using 
Linux, so about 2.6MB/s.

hope its more clear now.


> .... Ken

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