
I upgraded my mailserver to OpenBSD 5.0

Now at startup i have :
Starting Network Daemons : sshd sendmail(failed) inetd
failed ? why ? Normal ?
And in rc.local we have a script that execute postfix with the option
If i do : netstat -anf inet ; i can see that the box listen well in 25 587
... smtp ports

If i remove : sendmail_flags="-bd -q30m" in /etc/rc.conf.local
restart the computer
and try manually : sendmail -bd -q30m tell me that postfix is running.

If i remove : sendmail_flags="-bd -q30m" in /etc/rc.conf.local
and also remove the script in rc.local (needed to start postfix) ; restart
the box
and try manually : sendmail -bd -q30m, things works well, therefore, just
after that,
postfix start automatically.

So ?

Thank you very much for your help.


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