Hello, I am looking for something in the spirit of Soekris boards, but more suited for server applications, e.g. for hosting Django apps.
Current net6501 is maxed out at 2 GB of RAM and 1.6 Ghz *single-core* (two threads) atom. The reason I am considering Soekris is because dedicated servers are often underused and idling. Few GB of memory, anemic processor and SSD gets one a surprisingly long way, especially with properly chosen stack and caching. So the general idea is: one Django app = one Soekris board. This is much better than virtualization (bare metal forever) or putting more apps on a big server. Some apps would run great on this, but a more powerful CPU and more memory would be needed for more demanding workloads. Any recommendations for similar, but a bit more powerful and versatile hardware (think one app = one hardware device)? Thanks.