Am 30.11.2011 09:22, schrieb Peter Hallin:
> Hello,
> I have some issues with pf.conf and includes that perhaps someone could
> shed some light on.
> Where I work, we use bridging firewalls with multiple tagged vlans 
> passing the bridges, and filtering is done on the vlan interfaces. 
> Normally we have around 10-20 vlans on each machine, and we have a LOT 
> of rules in pf.conf. To make configuration a little easier I'm beginning
> to look at how to separate the vlans into multiple configs, one for each
> vlan, and then include them all from pf.conf.
> I would want to have all macros, options and rules for each vlan in a
> separate file, but also i would like to use macros from one config in 
> rules in another file. To clarify what I'm getting at, here's an
> example:
> ######
> /etc/vlan500.conf:
> DB=""
> block log on vlan500
> pass in quick on vlan500 from $Webserver to $DB port 3306
> pass out on vlan500
> ######
> /etc/vlan1000.conf:
> Webserver=""
> block log on vlan1000
> pass in quick on vlan1000 from any to $Webserver port 80
> pass out on vlan1000
> ######
> /etc/pf.conf
> include "/etc/vlan500.conf"
> include "/etc/vlan1000.conf"
> ######
> The above example would not work, as pfctl will look at the rules in
> vlan500.conf before looking at the macros in vlan1000.conf and it will 
> throw an error that the $Webserver macro is not defined.
> If I change the order of the includes in pf.conf, it will work, but of 
> course of I try to use macros from vlan1000.conf for rules in 
> vlan500.conf, the problem will arise again.
> One way to solve it would be to put all the macros in, say,
> /etc/vlan500-macros.conf and /etc/vlan1000-macros.conf and make sure
> they are included before the rules in pf.conf, but that seems
> inconvenient to me.
> What is the common practice for using includes? Is there a way to get 
> pfctl to read ALL macros from ALL files before looking at the rules?
> I would be happy to hear some suggestions.
> Thanks, Peter

How about a definition.conf with all your (Name,IP-Adress)-Pairs which
is included first in your pf.conf, so your vlanXXXX.confs only include
the rules but no definitions.


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