At the very least you're seeing some errors. In my case, the USB/serial adapters -uticom, uftdi and uplcom- would fail without notice. Ports would open, but with no TX/RX. Detaching/reattaching won't bring them back to live; only rebooting.

If your project has deadline, search for a PCI/ePCI serial board and enjoy!

I have around some of those untrustful interfaces and would like to take a look at that usb code in a near future.

El 30/11/2011 4:14, Byron Klippert escribis:
I managed to capture trace and ps output from ddb>

Is this a worthy cause to investigate further or should I take the
advice of others and move on to real(tm) hardware. It would be a shame
given the distasteful argument "well it works fine under ...."

ddb>  trace
usb_allocmem(d1111800,2,0,d101c740,d101c700) at usb_allocmem+0x14f
ehci_allocm(d1111800,d101c740,2,d079d66e,101c754) at ehci_allocm+0x27
usbd_transfer(d101c700,d1109900,0,1388,d75b3d74) at usbd_transfer+0xbb
usbd_do_request_flags_pipe(d1109900,d1109880,d75b3d74,d75b3dce,4) at
usbd_do_request_flags(d1109900,d75b3d74,d75b3dce,4,d75b3d7c) at
usbd_get_string_desc(d1109900,1,1,d75b3dce,d75b3ecc) at
usbd_get_string(d1109900,1,d3487487,7f,d0ae9220) at usbd_get_string+0x74
usbd_devinfo_vp(d1109900,d3487487,7f,d3487408,7f) at
usbd_fill_deviceinfo(d1109900,d3487400,1,1,0) at
usbd_fill_di_task(d3487400,20,d098f0af,0,d54f362c) at
usb_task_thread(d54f362c) at usb_task_thread+0xb1
Bad frame pointer: 0xd0ba0e48

ddb>  ps
    PID   PPID   PGRP    UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT          COMMAND
  11732   5036  11732      0  3      0x4000  endtask       usbdevs
  18220  17676  18220   1000  3      0x4080  kqread        tmux
  17676  13203  17676   1000  3      0x4080  pause         ksh
  13203  24243  24243   1000  3       0x180  select        sshd
  24243   7551  24243      0  3      0x4180  netio         sshd
  30142  13825  18365   1000  3      0x4080  ttyin         more
  13825  18365  18365   1000  3      0x4080  pause         sh
  18365  28650  18365   1000  3      0x4080  wait          man
  28650  29160  28650   1000  3      0x4080  pause         ksh
  24368  29160  24368   1000  3      0x4080  ttyin         ksh
  11053  19990  11053      0  3      0x4080  ttyin         vi
  19990  29160  19990   1000  3      0x4080  pause         ksh
  16050  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
  21227  29160  21227   1000  3      0x4080  ttyin         ksh
   5036  29160   5036   1000  3      0x4080  pause         ksh
  29160      1  29160   1000  2           0                tmux
  30544  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
   1510  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
  16181  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
  15339      1  15339      0  3      0x4080  ttyin         getty
   8516  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
    276  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
   9801  14405  14405     67  3       0x180  netcon        httpd
  22942      1  22942      0  3        0x80  select        cron
  29745      1  29745      0  3       0x180  select        inetd
  14405      1  14405      0  3        0x80  select        httpd
    761      1    761      0  3     0x40180  select        sendmail
   7551      1   7551      0  3        0x80  select        sshd
   6224      1   6224      0  3        0x80  poll          ntpd
  15671  25737  15671     83  3       0x180  poll          ntpd
  25737      1  25737     83  3       0x180  poll          ntpd
   1898  14567  14567     74  3       0x180  bpf           pflogd
  14567      1  14567      0  3        0x80  netio         pflogd
  24868    500    500     73  2       0x180                syslogd
    500      1    500      0  3        0x88  netio         syslogd
  31551      1  31551     77  3       0x180  poll          dhclient
  13676      1  25110      0  3        0x80  poll          dhclient
  13732      1  13732      0  3        0x80  mfsidl        mount_mfs
   5311      1   5311      0  3        0x80  mfsidl        mount_mfs
  16196      1  16196      0  3        0x80  mfsidl        mount_mfs
     13      0      0      0  3    0x100200  aiodoned      aiodoned
     12      0      0      0  3    0x100200  syncer        update
     11      0      0      0  3    0x100200  cleaner       cleaner
     10      0      0      0  3    0x100200  reaper        reaper
      9      0      0      0  3    0x100200  pgdaemon      pagedaemon
      8      0      0      0  3    0x100200  bored         crypto
      7      0      0      0  3    0x100200  pftm          pfpurge
*    6      0      0      0  7    0x100200                usbtask
      5      0      0      0  3    0x100200  usbatsk       usbatsk
      4      0      0      0  3    0x100200  bored         syswq
      3      0      0      0  3  0x40100200                idle0
      2      0      0      0  3    0x100200  kmalloc       kmthread
      1      0      1      0  3      0x4080  wait          init
      0     -1      0      0  3     0x80200  scheduler     swapper

On Monday, November 28, 2011 10:43 AM, "Kevin Chadwick"
<>  wrote:
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:02:41 +0100
Daniel Gracia wrote:

When I unplug the device the system hangs or if
I run usbdevs the system hangs, once hung the watchdog kicks in and
reboots the machine.

Completely unsubstantiated and untested theory but out of interest does
it still hang if you whip out the usb quickly rather than casually?

Is this a joke?

   Byron Klippert
   (867) 332-4184

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