I have some very basic questions about the above topic.

First, I read from various sources that backticks (`command`) are basically 
deprecated, with $(command) the preferred option (I may be a little loose with 
this definition). man ksh even alludes to this:
<snip>  ``' introduces an old-style command substitution <snip>

Is there ANY differnece between the behavior of these, or is it just that the 
newer style is preferred for readability?

Second, again in man ksh, I read:

Note that $(< foo) has the same effect as $(cat foo), but it is carried out 
more efficiently because no process is started.

When googling for similar examples, I always see the 'cat foo' example used. So 
is this form simply a shorthand for 'cat somefile', and not any other command 
(for example an awk or sed command)?

I view myself as a guest caveman among the rest of you who probably know this 
stuff as second nature, and am always grateful for your replies (even when I 
get yelled at).



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