* Chris Cappuccio <ch...@nmedia.net> [2011-10-27 21:59]:
> Tomas Bodzar [tomas.bod...@gmail.com] wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:23 PM, tx <zzw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Is it possible to make 1 Mpps router (BGP and routing between several 1GBE
> > > links) with standard x86 CPU such as Xeon or Opteron and "accelerated" 
> > > NICs
> > > like Intel PRO1000/PT? All with latest stable OpenBSD, of course :) Any
> > > suggestions, tweaks, special techniques for that case, any documentation,
> > > please?
> > http://afresh1.com/OpenBSD_49_Throughput_Latency/
> That's a nice presentation, but I thought openbsd went way past 300Kpps, that 
> was the same value I was getting 5 years ago and some serious optimizations 
> have happened since than

we are way past 300k pps.

look, these tests depend so much on the specific scenario that the
absolute numbers are pretty much useless. the RELATIVE numbers are the
interesting ones.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de, Full-Service ISP
Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services. Dedicated Servers, Root to Fully Managed
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