On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Mike Belopuhov <m...@crypt.org.ru> wrote:
>>> On 26-10-2011 20:32, Maxim Bourmistrov wrote:
>>>> The side question, after observing 'systat -s1 states', is WHY 
>>>> "failover"-side
>>>> doubles exp. time??
>>>> I'm more expected to have it like a "copy" of the current state of the
>>>> master.
> i've started looking into the problem, but it's not yet apparent as to
> why it happens.

ok, so what i've figured out is that expire timeouts are transferred
as values of "rule->timeout[state->timeout]" and not absolute ones
(to compensate for a local time difference).  but when you insert
the rule into the state table you have to subtract the timeout value
as pf_state_expires does a good job itself by adding those back.

so here's a diff. i've tried to solve "no adaptive scaling" caveat as well.


Index: if_pfsync.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/net/if_pfsync.c,v
retrieving revision 1.169
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.169 if_pfsync.c
--- if_pfsync.c 20 Oct 2011 08:57:26 -0000      1.169
+++ if_pfsync.c 28 Oct 2011 09:24:09 -0000
@@ -266,6 +266,8 @@ void        pfsync_bulk_status(u_int8_t);
 void   pfsync_bulk_update(void *);
 void   pfsync_bulk_fail(void *);

+u_int32_t pfsync_expires(const struct pf_state *, u_int32_t, u_int8_t);
 int    pfsync_sync_ok;

@@ -578,13 +580,9 @@ pfsync_state_import(struct pfsync_state
        /* copy to state */
        bcopy(&sp->rt_addr, &st->rt_addr, sizeof(st->rt_addr));
        st->creation = time_second - ntohl(sp->creation);
-       st->expire = time_second;
-       if (sp->expire) {
-               /* XXX No adaptive scaling. */
-               st->expire -= r->timeout[sp->timeout] - ntohl(sp->expire);
-       }
+       st->expire = pfsync_expires(st, ntohl(sp->expire),
+           sp->timeout);

-       st->expire = ntohl(sp->expire) + time_second;
        st->direction = sp->direction;
        st->log = sp->log;
        st->timeout = sp->timeout;
@@ -948,7 +946,8 @@ pfsync_in_upd(caddr_t buf, int len, int
                if (sync < 2) {
                        pfsync_alloc_scrub_memory(&sp->dst, &st->dst);
                        pf_state_peer_ntoh(&sp->dst, &st->dst);
-                       st->expire = ntohl(sp->expire) + time_second;
+                       st->expire = pfsync_expires(st, ntohl(sp->expire),
+                           sp->timeout);
                        st->timeout = sp->timeout;
                st->pfsync_time = time_uptime;
@@ -1019,10 +1018,12 @@ pfsync_in_upd_c(caddr_t buf, int len, in
                                pf_state_peer_ntoh(&up->dst, &st->dst);
                if (sync < 2) {
                        pfsync_alloc_scrub_memory(&up->dst, &st->dst);
                        pf_state_peer_ntoh(&up->dst, &st->dst);
-                       st->expire = ntohl(up->expire) + time_second;
+                       st->expire = pfsync_expires(st, ntohl(up->expire),
+                           up->timeout);
                        st->timeout = up->timeout;
                st->pfsync_time = time_uptime;
@@ -2330,4 +2331,37 @@ pfsync_sysctl(int *name, u_int namelen,
                return (ENOPROTOOPT);
+pfsync_expires(const struct pf_state *st, u_int32_t expire, u_int8_t ttype)
+       u_int32_t       start;
+       u_int32_t       end;
+       u_int32_t       states;
+       u_int32_t       result;
+       u_int32_t       timeout;
+       if (expire == 0 || ttype >= PFTM_MAX)
+               return (time_second);
+       timeout = st->rule.ptr->timeout[ttype];
+       start = st->rule.ptr->timeout[PFTM_ADAPTIVE_START];
+       if (start) {
+               end = st->rule.ptr->timeout[PFTM_ADAPTIVE_END];
+               states = st->rule.ptr->states_cur;
+       } else {
+               start = pf_default_rule.timeout[PFTM_ADAPTIVE_START];
+               end = pf_default_rule.timeout[PFTM_ADAPTIVE_END];
+               states = pf_status.states;
+       }
+       result = time_second - timeout + expire;
+       if (end && states > start && start < end) {
+               if (states < end)
+                       return (result + timeout * (end - states) /
+                           (end - start));
+               else
+                       return (time_second);
+       }
+       return (result);

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