Hi there, setting up an proxy with the built-in httpd
Due to the nature of the XMPP protocol i don't want disk caching: ---snip apache error log --- [Wed Oct 26 13:32:45 2011] [debug] proxy_cache.c(0): Response is not cacheable, unlinking /tmp/L/G/T/brpq0b@DWIZbkMFIlCw [Wed Oct 26 13:32:45 2011] [debug] proxy_http.c(0): Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 [Wed Oct 26 13:32:45 2011] [debug] proxy_cache.c(0): Request for, pragma_req=(unset), ims=0 [Wed Oct 26 13:32:45 2011] [debug] proxy_cache.c(0): Local copy not present or expired. Declining. --- snap --- To avoid this, there's the NoCache statement in apache. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_proxy.html Neither --- snip httpd.conf --- NoCache localhost --- snap --- nor --- snip httpd.conf --- NoCache * --- snap --- change the above logentry. Question: Is NoCache implemented in the built-in httpd? Did i miss something? Suggestions? Andri "Certum est, quia impossibile."