On 2011-10-21, Michel Blais <mic...@targointernet.com> wrote:
> No bridge, just routed.
> We use pmacct because we need
> the memory plug in for dynamicly
> unpriorise those taking too much
> bandwith for fair sharing policy.
> We also use pmacct on FreeBSD
> and Linux so we have the same
> tool everywhere and use the same
> scripts on every platform.

pmacct can work with either captured packets (i.e. copying packets from
the kernel to the userland process) or with netflow data (just sending
flow information, so much less memory copying is involved). So *if*
this is what's causing problems you might have a way to reconfigure
that would cut overheads.

How are you unprioritising? I think you mentioned that you weren't queueing
in one of your earlier posts.

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