I have volunteered to implement a wireless network in a school. I have about 2 months (till January) to do a proof of concept and implementation will be summer of 2012. Initial thoughts: School is L shaped with 20 rooms , each arm of the L is ~ 35 M (~ 110 ft) in length, everything is on one floor.There will be between 40 and 100 clients connected at any one time throughout the school. Clients need to stay connected to the wireless network as they move throughout the school. each arm would have 2 access points at ~ 12M (40 ft) and 24 M (80 ft) from the vertex of the 2 arms, and one in the vertex ( 5 APs total) I hope to use soekris net6501-50: 1 Ghz CPU, 1 Gbyte DDR2-SDRAM, 4 Gigabit Ethernet Ports as the AP host, SparkLAN WMIA-199NI INDUSTRIAL GRADE WLAN 802.11n draft wifi 2.4/5Ghz dual band 3T/3R Module (Atheros AR9001 + AR9160 XSPAN) Wireless miniPCI cardas the wireless cardProof of concept will use OpenBSD 5.0 to set up the wireless network using hostAP to ensure the clients can stay connected to the smae ssid throughout the school.. Production network in 2012 will likely be openbsd 5.1
Before I invest money and time into this, does the plan sound reasonable? Are there better wireless cards to use as access points? Thanks for any advise, in particular on better wireless card choice, if there is one. Len Zaifman