Anonymous Remailer (austria) <> Scheint mir diese armselige "Fritz WC<hler" KrC6te zu sein.
Schade, das sein Account **nicht** im September expired ist ... ("The Fritz WC<hler account actually expired in september. It really had to create a new one!") Hast es immer noch nC6tig, was! ("You poor boy need it pretty urgent, huh?") Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach ZC$rtlichkeit. ("Your combat boots are longing for tenderness. [Actually a cite from a song of the german Softpunk-band 'Die Crzte' (The Doctors)].") Wirklich eine Schande, so einem verschissenen "Kameradschaft-SC<d" Heini im Internet zu begegnen. ("It's a fucking pain in the ass to meet one of those dumb Nazis in the Internet.") DEUTSCH. ("Deutsch!!!!!") Was sonst??? ("What else.") Kein Wunder, das wir so beliebt sind ... ("Good machine. [Seriously?]") Luftwaffe und Kindergarten. ZUM KOTZEN!! ("McDonalds.") Oder "88", wir ihr Eierlosen brC<llt, wenn ihr in einer Horde auftretet. ("Actually 'Heil Hitler!' is forbidden in germany, which is why these kids can't tattoo it on their neck. So they do tattoo '88!', for 'HH!', i.e. the eigth character in the alphabet. You know - it's a thing with those balls.") ("Sorry for this shit, but Fritz WC<hler may continue forever if you say words like 'Wash your mouth'. It has already drunk some beer this morning, as you can see.") --steffen