Okay. If you're going to give access to internet users to be able to access
your system inside your LAN/DMZ(eg webserver), you will need to do NAT.
If you
want the server which is configured by private ip address is reachable from
internet users, you will need NAT.

The way you do NAT might depend on your
network infra setup and how you design and plan the traffic flow.
IP aliasing
is associating more than one IP address to a network interface. With this, one
node on a network can have multiple connections to a network, each serving a
different purpose.Now I will explain you with an example so that you can
visualize it in a better way:

I have web server with IP address
My firewall has 2 NICs, one internal( and one external using
public IP(
I would like to allow users from the internet to
access my webserver. Since I configured webserver using private IP, internet
users can not access my webserver directly, that is why NAT is needed.
this example I have 2 scenarios doing NAT.
1.If I have limited public IP
address assigned to me by ISP
any http traffic from internet accessing  to
firewallexternalIPaddress will be redirected to my webserver
internet user
port 80 ---> FW ext IP address --> Web server

In this case I don't need to
use additional IP address as an alias, because internet users will access my
website via:
and the traffic will be redirected to the
webserver which is located inside LAN(

2.If I have spare public
IP address. this where IP alias can play the role.
I have another public IP
(let say and I would like to assign it to webserver.
webserver is still located inside my LAN with IP But I want to
assign the IP only for application server services purpose,
because I don't want to mix it up with firewall service.
So the same concept
applies here.
any http traffic from internet accessing  IP will be
redirected to my webserver
internet user port 80 ---> --> Web
As the and are within the same subnet ( and
also assigned for my business from ISP), then I need to assign it on the
external firewall interface. If I didn't assign it on the external firewall
interface, the http incoming traffic will not be able to pass through because
neither router nor firewall know how and where to redirect the incoming packet
and also neither router nor firewall take the ownership of
although is assigned for my business by ISP. By assigning on the external firewall interface as an IP alias, the firewall
will know how and where to redirect the incoming traffic.When the http traffic
on is coming in, firewall will take the ownership,check the
routing table and then PF engine will check from the rule list whether the
incoming traffic to the webserver is alllowed or not. Once the rule is
matched, then the packet will be redirected to the destination. You can do
 same by creating the rule for email server etc.internet user port 25 ---> --> my email server.

The same IP alias concept also applies if
you want to implement many to one NAT. For example to alllow your LAN users to
access internet access.
You can use IP alias or use firewall ext int IP as a
NAT IP. All depends on how your infra is configured and planned.
In which
scenario your setup is? If you're using 1st scenario, you don't need to use IP
alias, because the external ip addr for firewall which is accessed by the
public users for http traffic is belong to firewall. If you used  2nd
scenario, you will need to use IP alias configured on ext firewall interface.
Please also check the routing table in the router and the default gateway on
your destination node.

I hope it helps.

From: Stefan Midjich <sweh...@gmail.com>
Stefan N <stefanbsd...@yahoo.com>
Cc: "misc@openbsd.org" <misc@openbsd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Help setting up a PF NAT

No I was not aware of this. Could you please explain the meaning of
alias address on the external interface for NAT?

There is no mention of
using an alias for NAT in this document for

Just to be clear, I already have an
external and internal physical
interface to work with, so I am unclear as to
why I need an alias.

2011/10/11 Stefan N <stefanbsd...@yahoo.com>:
> Hi
> As you mentioned that the IP forwarding is already enabled on your
> Have you configured the IP alias on the network interface for the
> purpose?
> If the NAT is done on external interface then you'll need to
add in the IP
> alias on /etc/hostname.vic2
> Please read the guide from
openbsd url below:
> Sample of hostname.if config with
IP alias:
>  A typical file contains only one line, but more extensive files
>      possible, for example:
>       inet media 100baseTX description
> Uplink
>       inet alias
>       inet alias NONE
     inet alias
>       inet alias
>       # This is an example comment line.
>       inet6 alias
fec0::1 64
>       inet6 alias fec0::2 64 anycast
>       !route add
>       up
> I hope it helps.
> Regards,
> Stefan
> From: Stefan Midjich <sweh...@gmail.com>
To: Mark (obsd) <openbsd-l...@nerdish.us>
> Cc: misc@openbsd.org
> Sent:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:06 AM
> Subject: Re: Help setting up a PF NAT
> Yes forwarding is enabled. I have followed the Book of PF 2nd
Edition so
> far.
> 2011/10/10 Mark (obsd) <openbsd-l...@nerdish.us>:
>> Hi
>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Stefan Midjich
>> wrote:
>>> Simplest of things but I'm failing
>>> ...
>>> With tcpdump I can see packets going to vic3,
but no further.
>> Do you definitely have forwarding enabled?
>> #
sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding
>> net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
>> It that were 0
instead of 1, you'd get your symptoms.  Edit
> /etc/sysctl.conf
>> to enable
forwarding if you haven't.
>> Regards,
>> Mark
> --
> Med vdnliga
hdlsningar / With kind regards
> Stefan Midjich


Med vdnliga
hdlsningar / With kind regards

Stefan Midjich

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