On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 01:35:05PM +0200, Francois Pussault wrote:
> Then if bzip & gzip are inside tar, you may not distribute them as 
> standalone, so you cannot bzip or gzip any other 
> file format than tar...
> then you integrate them ... but still need ton have standalone versions to 
> use them...this mean you need them both tow times on the system, one version 
> included in tar & the standalone one... this is just stupid & useless.
> standalone versions called by tar with -j & -z ; is then better by far !
> Even a broken & stupid brain like mine can understand it :) :)
> > Why not include xz-utils and bzip2 in base? Both are well esteblished and at
> > least bzip2 is anyway installed on nearly every desktop.

Nice. And how does it deal with including xz-utils and bzip2 in base? Do You
really believe that those can't be integrated without staticly linking? Or
what did You mean saying "if bzip & gzip are inside tar"?

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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