Quoting Alessandro Baggi <alessandro.ba...@gmail.com>:

Hi Tomas,

Yes, clamd is already running. Now i'm starting it from rc.local.

Reading man pages from www.openbsd.org I get:

The fourth section contains the/pkg_scripts/  variable, responsible for
starting and stoppingrc.d(8) <http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=rc.d&sektion=8&arch=i386&apropos=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current> scripts installed by packages in the speci-
     fied order.  For example, the following line

           pkg_scripts="dbus_daemon cupsd"

will run//etc/rc.d/dbus_daemon/ then//etc/rc.d/cupsd/ with the/start/ argu-
     ment at boot time and in reverse order with the/stop/  argument at shut-

but reading man from my installed OpenBSD (4.9/amd64), i get:

The fourth section contains the/rc_scripts/  variable, responsible for
starting and stoppingrc.d(8) <http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=rc.d&sektion=8&arch=i386&apropos=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current> scripts installed by packages in the speci-
     fied order.  For example, the following line

           rc_scripts="dbus_daemon cupsd"

will run//etc/rc.d/dbus_daemon/ then//etc/rc.d/cupsd/ with the/start/ argu-
     ment at boot time and in reverse order with the/stop/  argument at shut-

What's the way?

On 09/24/2011 04:16 PM, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Alessandro Baggi
<alessandro.ba...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hi list.

I'm trying to use rc_script in rc.conf.local but without results.
In rc.conf.local I put this:


but after reboot, clamd does not start.
I've tried also:

rc_scripts="clamd start"



but without result.
Did you set clamd already? Because you need to config clamd first and
uncomment at least one line in config to get that daemon running

Can someone point me in the right direction?
man rc.d
man rc.subr

find env for debug

Thanks in advance.


I think the man pages at the web site reflect -current and I recall reading something about pkg_scripts is the way to go in 5.0 etc.

On my 4.9 AMD system I have the following in rc.conf.local.

rc_scripts="dbus_daemon icinga clamd freshclam slapd postgresql dovecot"

I don't have anything in rc.local anymore. This works very well.



Vijay Sankar
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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