Thanks, for the replys. I guess "seriously" is a too harsh work to use on a mailinglist. Sorry to those that took the question other than it was intended.
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? HSL GmbH - Lukas Ratajski
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? Kevin Chadwick
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? Nick Holland
- Re: Why aren't you running -current... Sean Howard
- Re: Why aren't you running -cur... Kevin Chadwick
- Re: Why aren't you running -current... Kevin Chadwick
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? Mike Small
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? Kevin Chadwick
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? Marc Espie
- Re: Why aren't you running -current? roberth