Bachman Kharazmi wrote:
Do not feel foced reading my doc. PDF is a portable document format
widely used and accepted on the inet.
Of course it would be good publishing it using latex that can convert
to various formats. but this aint any essay and I don't have time/care
about getting it in latex atm.
If you now can read pdfs why are you complaining about that it isn't
worth reading it?
And I've emailed faq@ requesting a link to it from the main FAQ at
I do not feel forced. But as I said, I would have read it immediately
had it been in a more accessable format. Reading a PDF file forces me to
use programs with cumbersome interfaces. I may end up reading your
document. It does sound interesting and worthwhile. But if I do I'll be
cursing PDF the whole time.
Many people think PDF is nifty and cool and don't mind it a bit, but
others don't like the additional hassle required. But I've never seen
anyone complain about finding HTML when they follow a link.
I'm not saying what you're doing is bad or wrong, but that it makes it
less accessible. I'm sure that's not your goal, since you've taken the
time and effort to put this together and share it.
Darrin Chandler