> Greetings,
> I tried setting up the following into pf.conf on both 4.9 and latest snapshot:
> altq on $ext_if priq queue {q1, q2}
> queue q1 priority 1 priq(default)
> queue q2 priority 2
> pass all queue q1
> match all queue q2
> And I see nothing going into q2.
> Is this the expected behavior?
> Thanks for your time.
> William

After further experimentation, I found out the following:

"match queue" overrides:
 - a previous "match queue" assignment
 - the default queue

but does not override:
 - a previous "pass queue" assignment
 - a previous "block queue" assignment

It seems to me this might not be the expected behavior, so well, I
thought it might be worth reporting...


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