----- Original Message -----
| On 2011-08-08, Michael Lechtermann <mich...@lechtermann.net> wrote:
| >  Hi all,
| >
| >  for a new loadbalancer setup that should replace two old F5s the
| >  plan
| >  is to use OpenBSD/relayd.
| >
| >  Looking at the specs, a Dell R410 (or R610) would meet the
| >  requirements
| >  regarding hot-swap HDDs (RAID 1) and redundant power supply, but...
| R310 can do that too, dmesg from -current below.
| >  Can anyone please confirm that OpenBSD is running on that hardware
| >  and
| >  what raid controller would be a good choice?
| H200 (mpii) works ok. H700 (mfi) is faster but I guess you probably
| won't
| be needing super-fast disks on a relayd box.
| >  The boxes are also to have 6 network interfaces. Which additional
| >  Quad
| >  NIC would be the best to take, Broadcom or Intel?
| I don't ever recall seeing a quad Broadcom nic.

I think there is an issue with Broadcom cards and VLANs IIRC.  On the Dell R200 
I have the integrated bge drivers do not seem to support VLANs, other cards 
might not have issues but YMMV.

James A. Peltier
IT Services - Research Computing Group
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpelt...@sfu.ca
Website : http://www.sfu.ca/itservices

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