> > Right now my box is doing ~28,000pps per direction per interface (out
> > public, in public, out internal, in internal), totalling around
> > 112kpps. It doesn't seem to want to go any higher than that. I've just
> > tried moving the internal connection off of the dualport PCI-X card
> > and onto the internal nic, and it hasn't made a difference. I'd be a
> > little confused if two syskonnect cards would have double the
> > performance of what I have in the machine right now...
> at these packet rates I am not surprised by sk(4) performing more than 
> twice as good as others.

I've got a different P4-based SuperMicro motherboard that I've been
troubleshooting, too.  It's not seeing the weird PCI interrupt routing error
message that dormando described, I'm just getting heavy PF congestion with
moderate 12Mb/s & 12k pps traffic rates.
In benchmarking with an sk card replacing one of the onboard em's, I saw a
definite improvement, but still encountered congestion around 15~20Mb/s.  Not
to generalize, but in my case, evidence points to this SuperMicro motherboard
being pretty craptastic.
Incidentally, for the boxes based on this motherboard that I have in
production, I used the Henning's recommended value for
net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen, and saw a significant reduction in my congestion
counter rate.  15~30/s versus 100's.


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